Monday 26 March 2012

i'm alive people i promise!!!!!
just so busy, it sucks. wish i could just write and write and write but unfortunately I have to get my degree to be taken seriously!

I had a wonderful review planned for Flamjangled but it seems a bit late now. however, should i get a free second soon i'll post it because everybody should be allowed to experiance the magic that i did last weekend!

tomorrow i shall have tantalizing thoughts on Labyrinth, Assembly and Groovy Troopers (the reason i'm struggling with my degree at the moment!!)

in the mean time listen to music, have a little dance and a smile and await some happy reading=)

Wednesday 21 March 2012

kids I'm sorry, I have so much work and, therefore I can't fulfill your reading pleasure tonight with lovely reviews and fun from Flamjangle and Labyrinth.

I promise they will be up in the very new future.


I have 2 lovely reviews/articles/fun times for you guys today but first I have abit of a rant.
when on earth did the guest list line at clubs/parties become longer then the line to pay to get in.
I don't understand it...these used to be a thing of privilege. you walked right to the front of the queue, got your entrance and had a good time. now you stand in a line for anything up to 45 minutes and often the door people are rude and act like they're doing you a favour by checking for your name on the list.

I just don't understand t.

Anyway that's it, fun stuff of happiness coming later today=) have a wonderful time!

Monday 19 March 2012

everybody do yourself a favour and go watch Ismael Lo at the City Hall tonight! R75 gets you through the door to experience music royalty! I will be working so need somebody there to tell me how fantastic it was=) =(
It happened a week ago and only now am i piecing together the craziness that was RAMfest. 
After much moaning and groaning about the fact that it had gone from a 3-day festival of epicness to a 1-day, overly-priced festival there were still a large number of people who were not only excited for the event but who also paid the exorbitant price without batting an eyelash.
I must be honest I adore music with my entire being but had I not won a ticket (thanks Rolling Stone SA) there is no way in hell I would have handed over R350!!!
yeeessss there were 4 internationals and yeeeeessss there were many other local acts...but seriously that price is reeeediculous...and yet there were many people who most definitely did not win tickets.

enough grumbling, onto the important stuff. THE MUSIC. There was literally something for everybody that day...arriving in the 7th circle of hell heat I managed to catch the last 10 minutes of Das Kapital...fairly new to the electro scene (although one forgets this because he plays everywhere and he's brilliant) he had the crowd jamming hard even though it was pushing 35 degrees and it was the hottest hour of the day. once the sun had decided to chill just a little I ventured back to the electro stage for PH Phat's bouncing set filled with dirty bass and enough swearing to make a sailor blush! Sadly, due to unforeseen circumstances I missed one of the oldest, craziest punk madness around, the Hogs but rumour has it they, as usual, pulled off an incredible set.
As the sun continued to make it's cooling descent the excitement reached fever pitch, for in just 2 hours the international acts everybody had shelled their money out for would begin. but first, Hyphen and SFR decided to rip the electro floor apart as a pre warm-up act for Netsky...having played together for quite sometime now they are showing the Cape Town party scene how to mix and blend two fairly distinct sounds and make them work in perfect harmony. Because the main stage was running a good 30 minutes late I was able to catch the first half of drum 'n bass golden boy Niskerone's set...he has waaaaaay too much energy:0 but man, he's good. keeping an eye on the clock i hurried over to the main stage as Los Angeles natives AWOLNATION took to the stage. It always astounds me how slick these international bands are, it's almost as if their minds are linked to each other and they just know what they need to do next. I feel as though the AWOLNATION boys were tuned into my mind because I was getting antsy about missing Netsky's set because i wanted to hear the ever-popular 'Sail' the familiar intro began and the crowd went wild. having done a little jig i hurried back to the electro stage (really who needs gym when you have festivals) and who was just beginning the set of a life-time, Belgium wunderkind Netsky and magical MC Darrison. so began the craziest, mad-dancing 2 hours of my life. MC Darrison interacted with the crowd and kept them full of energy and Netsky put his head down and dropped some of the sickest beats ever witness on Cape Town soil. After that, a much needed dinner-break commenced with In Flames as background music. Haezer commandeered the electro stage for the non-metal heads and showed his international learning as well as his lilo boat crowd surfing talents.

once the excitement of 2 stages running simultaneously calmed down the whispers started. "what would Infected Mushroom do?" "Would it be 2 guys standing behind a turntable throwing out already heard beats?" the answer is a resounding NO! what did occur at 10:00pm on Sunday night was out of this world. 5 grown men climbed onto stage and entranced (excuse the pun) thousands of people for a solid two and a half hours. Just a little idea of hat went down they covered a Foo Fighters song (I'm sure you've heard of it...a little hit called Pretender)...wait covering is the wrong word...they transformed said song into a psy-trance song of wonderment. 
and so ended 12 hours of extreme heat, crazy dancing and an incredibly well run, slick production. reasonably priced beer, enough fresh water provided and for once more then enough toilets...yes there were a few hiccoughs and yes there were some very poor people on Monday morning but after a full day of exceptional music none of that really seems to matter...does it=)
Before anybody draws up pre-conceived ideas of 'just another music blog' yawn, sigh, move on...have a little read about what I'm about.
First blog, so guess I'll let you get to know me. When i was 12 I read my first copy of Rolling Stone USA and decided I was going to be a journalist and write about festivals all over the world...ambitious I know but right now I am finishing my undergrad degree in above dream and doing 'research' by attending as many festivals and parties as I can=)

This blog will not only have reviews of parties I attend (because everybody does that) it will also have random little musical happenings and going ons. example number 1: the other day i was at the Waterfront and there were about 30 children ranging from the ages of about 6 to 10 sitting on the floor in two long lines and singing a traditional xhosa song to pass the time...this may sound like nothing but after standing for 10 minutes watching this I realized that every single person who walked past this spectacle smiled and stopped, even for just 2 minutes. It's that power of music that I want to share on this page. The magic that can brings hundreds of thousands together to just stand and smile.